About me

Hello! I'm a Biomedical Science PhD with expertise in bioinformatics, focusing on unraveling drug resistance through gene networks analysis during my doctoral research. Passionate about leveraging computational biology to solve a variety of challenges, I now apply my skills towards understanding the vaginal microbiome to enhance female reproductive health. My foundation in infection biology, coupled with advanced skills in data analysis and genomic research, positions me to innovate and contribute across biomedicine fields, driving forward solutions for complex biological questions.

Recent Projects

Transcriptomics of ivermectin response in Caenorhabditis elegans: Integrating abamectin quantitative trait loci and comparison to the Ivermectin-exposed DA1316 strain -2023” | Full article: Click here

Programming languages:

  • Nextflow
  • Bash
  • R
  • Swedish HPC- UPPMAX

Ivermectin-induced gene expression changes in adult Parascaris univalens and Caenorhabditis elegans: a comparative approach to study anthelminthic metabolism and resistance in vitro -2022 | Full article: Click here

Programming languages:

  • Bash
  • R
  • Swedish HPC- UPPMAX

Image generated by midjourney AI

Benzylpenicillin-producing Trichophyton erinacei and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus carrying the mecC gene on European hedgehogs – A pilot-study -2021 | Full article: Click here

Programming languages:

  • Perl
  • In-house
  • Not applicable

Image generated by midjourney AI

Transcriptional responses in Parascaris univalens after in vitro exposure to ivermectin, pyrantel citrate and thiabendazole -2020 | Full article: Click here

Programming languages:

  • Nextflow
  • Bash
  • R
  • Swedish HPC- UPPMAX

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